Piato Restaurant Ltd is dedicated to the attainment of Occupational Health and Safety best practices. The aim is aligned with our company core values and business goals.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility and anyone on our premises has the right to enjoy a safe environment while making sure they are complaint with all instructions given in this policy to attain zero harm to themselves and others.

We are committed to the implementation of this system and fulfilment of our duty care, legal requirements and profit goals through:

  • Provision of a safe workplace for all employees, customers, contractors, suppliers and visitors by eliminating hazards and reducing Occupational Health and Safety risks.
  • Prevention of injuries and ill health.
  • Actions to address Occupational Health and Safety risks and opportunities.
  • Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Management System continually and ensuring that it is relevant and available to all interested parties.
  • Fulfilment of legal and other regulatory requirements.
  • Integration of Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.
  • Review of Occupational Health and Safety into all workplace activities.
  • Enforcement of accountability for Health and Safety in the workplace.
  • Review of Occupational Health and Safety performance and improvement requirements.
  • Provision of adequate budget for Occupational Health and Safety improvements.
  • Consultation and Participation of employees.
  • Adopting and encouraging a ‘Non-Punitive and Just Culture’ initiative where every hazard, dangerous occurrence and incidents are reported, investigated and corrective actions are implemented.

This policy has the support and commitment of all the Company Directors and Senior Management team.

The policy will be reviewed annually.