Piato Restaurant Ltd is committed to provide safe food to our clients in compliance with industry best food safety practices. The management team is committed to establish, implement, maintain, review and continually improve the Food Safety Management System.

All our employees have a shared commitment, responsibility and accountability to ensure the production and delivery of safe food that adheres to the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and mutually agreed customer specifications and requirements.

We will continually measure compliance with the established standards and measurable food safety objective anchored by the following indicators:

  • Ensure to meet Kampala City Capital Authority (KCCA) suitability of premise standards for eating places as per provisions and guidelines in the Public Health Act, CAP 281.
  • Select, evaluate and approve our suppliers to ensure that raw material and ingredient safety is assured consistently.
  • Establish validation, monitoring and verification programs to ensure adequacy, suitability and effectiveness of Food Safety Management System (FSMS).
  • Provide learning and development opportunities for all employees to ensure competency development.
  • Ensure effective internal and external communication of FSMS policies, procedures and objectives to all stakeholders and relevant interested parties.
  • Adopt industry best practices and proactively promote positive food safety culture.
  • Meet and exceed customer expectations and implement effective measures to reduce customer complaints.
  • Adopt a process approach to our internal food safety systems and risk assess them continually.

It is the responsibility of the management team to ensure that all appropriate human and financial resources are committed towards implementing policy across all our operations and communicating them to all our employees, stakeholders and interested parties.

This policy has the support and commitment of all the Company Directors and Senior Management team.

The policy will be reviewed annually.